Calendar Geek Expert Guides on Calendar Management and Synchronization

📆 Syncing Your VRBO and Airbnb Calendars: A Step-by-Step Guide 🚀

Learn how to sync your VRBO and Airbnb calendars with ease. Follow our step-by-step guide to import and manage your calendars across platforms.

Syncing Your VRBO and Airbnb Calendars: A Step-by-Step Guide

Screenshot of the Airbnb 'Export Calendar' option and the iCal link
Step 1: Export Your Airbnb Calendar
Log into your Airbnb account and navigate to 'Hosting'. Select 'Calendar' and click on 'Availability Settings'. From there, you can find the 'Export Calendar' option. Click on it and copy the iCal link provided.
Screenshot of pasting the Airbnb iCal link into the VRBO 'Import Calendar' option
Step 2: Import the Airbnb Calendar to VRBO
Next, log into your VRBO account and navigate to the 'Calendar' section. Look for the 'Import/Export Calendar' option and select 'Import Calendar'. Paste the iCal link you copied from Airbnb into the URL field and click 'Import'.
A visual representation of two calendars syncing
Step 3: Sync the Calendars
After importing the Airbnb calendar to VRBO, the calendars will automatically sync. This means any changes made on your Airbnb calendar will reflect on your VRBO calendar. Remember, it may take up to a few hours for the sync to take effect.
Screenshot of the VRBO calendar showing Airbnb bookings
Step 4: Verify the Sync
Finally, verify that the sync was successful. Check your VRBO calendar to see if the bookings from Airbnb are showing up correctly. If not, you may need to manually refresh the page or wait a bit longer for the sync to complete.

Managing multiple calendars for your vacation rental business can be a daunting task. But with the right tools and knowledge, you can simplify the process and ensure seamless synchronization between your Airbnb and VRBO calendars. Our step-by-step guide above will walk you through the process, but let's delve a bit deeper into why this is important and how it can benefit your hosting business.

As a host, you're likely juggling bookings from different platforms. This can be overwhelming, and the risk of double bookings is high. That's where the magic of iCal comes in. By syncing your Airbnb and VRBO calendars, you can manage all your bookings in one place, reducing the risk of overbooking and ensuring a smooth experience for your guests.

Why Should You Sync Your Airbnb and VRBO Calendars?

Syncing your calendars not only simplifies your booking management but also improves your visibility and ranking on both platforms. When your availability is up-to-date, you're more likely to appear in search results, increasing your chances of securing bookings. Plus, it saves you the time and hassle of manually updating multiple calendars.

How Can iCal Help?

iCal is a universal calendar format that's compatible with various platforms, including Airbnb and VRBO. It allows you to effectively manage and sync your calendars, ensuring real-time updates across all your listings. This means that when a guest books your property on Airbnb, the dates will automatically be blocked on your VRBO calendar, and vice versa.

Remember, while the sync is automatic, it might take a few hours for the changes to reflect on the other platform. So, it's always a good idea to check the availability of your Airbnb listing after syncing to ensure everything is in order.

Take Your Hosting Business to the Next Level

By streamlining your booking management with calendar syncing, you're not just simplifying your workflow. You're also enhancing the guest experience by ensuring accurate availability and avoiding double bookings. So, take the leap today and sync your Airbnb and VRBO calendars to take your hosting business to the next level.

And remember, whether you're a seasoned host or just starting out, Calendar Geek is here to help you navigate the world of calendar management. Explore our site for more tips, guides, and strategies to optimize your hosting business.