Master the Office 365 Calendar - 📅 Unlock Your Productivity

Sharing or publishing your Office 365 calendar is a straightforward process. The first step is to open your Office 365 calendar and select the calendar you want to share. Then, click on the 'Share' button, enter the email addresses of those you wish to share with, and select the permissions you want to grant. Finally, click 'Send' to publish your calendar. Now let's delve deeper into each of these steps.

Step 1: Let's Dive into Your Office 365 Calendar 🗓️

Firstly, you need to access your Office 365 calendar. Sign into your Office 365 account and click on the app launcher icon (the nine squares in the top-left corner). From the dropdown menu, select 'Calendar'.

Step 2: Picking the Perfect Calendar to Share 📆

Once you've opened your calendar, you'll see a list of your calendars on the left side of the screen. Select the one you'd like to share by clicking on it.

Step 3: Time to Share Your Office 365 Calendar 🔄

With the desired calendar selected, click on the 'Share' button on the top-right of the screen. This will open a new window where you can enter the email addresses of the people you want to share your calendar with.

Step 4: Setting the Rules - Manage Your Calendar's Permissions 🛠️

After adding the recipients, you'll need to set the permissions. You can allow the recipients to edit the calendar, or only view it. There are several levels of access you can grant, ranging from 'Can view when I'm busy' to 'Can edit'.

Step 5: Hit Send and Share Your Calendar Magic 💌

Once you've set the permissions, click 'Send'. An email invitation will be sent to the recipients, providing them with access to your calendar based on the permissions you've set.

Screenshot of Office 365 calendar sharing process

Remember, if you ever want to change the permissions or stop sharing your calendar, you can do so by going back into the sharing settings for that calendar.

For a more detailed guide on how to manage your Office 365 calendar, check out my article on Essential Tips on How to Manage Your Calendars Across Different Platforms.

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Maynard Harvey
Software Engineering, iCal, Calendar Development, Tech Solutions

Maynard is a dedicated software engineer who specializes in the creation of inventive calendar solutions. His expertise lies in iCal and various other calendar formats. Maynard takes great satisfaction in aiding others to comprehend and use these resources to their maximum capacity.